Today, I am here to give you tips about how to avoid site scams so let's read it and have fun. Let's get started!
If you receive an email from a bank or any other company or anyone that you don't know and they asked you to click on the link in the email to enter you information, you should think again before entering your personal information. If you wanna confirm it then you can contact the company with the email provided other wise, it is the first step to scam.
If you are reading an email and it tell you to click on a specific link, then never ever click on that link because what they do is that they put on one website but they link it to a different website. The best option is to enter the link manually instead of click on the link.
When ever entering you credit card number or phone number or your address on a website, always look at the URL and make sure that it start with HTTPS because "S" stands for secure. If a website does not have that then entering your phone number or credit card number is not a good idea as the website is not secured.
Having an anti-virus program is always good idea. The reason you want to have them is because some emails contains malwares and spywares which is not good for the system.
Make sure that your system and all other softwares that you have are updated and have updated versions. It reduces the chances of hacking as scammers can access your system via unpatched software vulnerabilities.
That is all I have to say! Feel Free to Comment!
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